
Local Council: Enfield

Appeal Result: Allowed (Permission Granted)

Description: Subdivision of site and conversion of single family dwelling into 2 No. dwelling houses (1 x 1-bed and 1 x 4-bed).

Refusal Stated: "The proposed incongruous subdivision to provide a further residential dwelling by virtue of its overall footprint and limited plot dimensions would represent a cramped form of development which fails to relate satisfactorily to the surrounding spacious form and pattern of development and thereby represents an overdevelopment of the site that is out of keeping and character with the surrounding character at Bourne Hill, contrary to policies DMD6, DMD7, DMD8 and DMD37 of the Development Management Document, CP30 of the Core Strategy, D3 and D8 of the London Plan (2021), as well as the guidance contained within the NPPF (2021)."

Background: The refusal issued by Enfield initially appeared to be a roadblock to development. However, upon further analysis, LSE determined that the grounds for refusal were unjust, as they were not well supported by policy. With this established, new hope was injected into the project, and an appeal was lodged. After careful review, the Planning Inspectorate agreed with LSE's position and allowed the appeal. This was a huge result for our client, who can now move forward with their plans to convert the property into two separate dwellings.